Eating disorders are a serious problem in today’s society. More than 10 million Americans currently suffer from serious eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating. Not only do these eating disorders take a serious toll on your body, but they can also harm your teeth.
People who suffer from anorexia starve themselves in order to attain their desired weight. By starving themselves, they are not getting the appropriate amount of nutrients from their diet. A lack of important nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C can weaken your teeth. Without these important nutrients, oral health and overall health suffer.
Sufferers of bulimia will binge eat and then make themselves vomit in order to reverse the effects of the food that they ate. While this method is extremely harmful to your overall health, it also poses a serious threat to your teeth. Your teeth becomes exposed to the acid from your stomach when vomiting regularly, and this acid wears away at enamel and causes decay.
People who have eating disorders are at risk of having worn, thin, and translucent teeth. Seeing a professional is your best option in fighting an eating disorder, but your dentist can see the signs and will help you get the help you need.